Thursday, May 7, 2020

keke panana

I tunu matou ko tōku kui, ko taku tungane a Kaiawa i te keke panana. Ka tunu te kai ka tatari mātau kia maoa te panana keke. Ka maoa te keke ka tiki te ahikerimi tiakarete me te ahiremi ma.  Mmmmm, te reka hoki! 

Ngā mahi

8 table spoons of Butter 
1 cup of raw sugar
3 eggs 
6 mash banana 
4 table spoons of milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cups flour 
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and sugar to mix add eggs add mash banana heat milk and add 1 tsp of baking soda mix into mixture add flour and baking powder add vanilla cinnamon and mix together and put in to large cake tin put in to preheated oven for 35 minutes

Monday, May 4, 2020


I love platypus because they have six sen and one is smell and touch and hear and taste and one more that people doesn't have.So when they close there eyes mouth and nose and era they do not hit in to stuff do you now it.It is little shock that the object give it and do you now it is little dots on the platypus is beck and body.They are the only mammals that lay eggs!!!
Great Mom Platypuses Laying Eggs And Cute Platypuses Moments ...


He reka te tiakarete ki ahau. He kawa he iti mea nō tiakarete engari he reka he mahanga ngā tiakarete he reka ki ahau.Lots of different types of chocolate, filled chocolates and cocoa ...

Sunday, May 3, 2020


He pai ki au te aihe nā te mea ka taea te aihe ki te ruku ki raro i te moana.  He mōhani te kiri ō te aihe.Пара дельфинов.» — карточка пользователя Татьяна Ш. в Яндекс ... 

Saturday, May 2, 2020


I like Friday because sometimes you can have Friday movie night and for diner you can have burgers and chips or anything else for dinner and for dessert you can have ice cream and for the topping you can chop some cookie up then you can make some chocolate sauce and get some berries and put it in a bowl and then get some sprinkles and do the same thing with the berries and then put it on the table and decorated it and then eat it.  It is yum i had it for dessert last Friday night.Muskegon County Directory | Visit Muskegon